Buildings & Grounds Committee Conducts Monthly Inspection
The Board of Education's Buildings and
Grounds Committee is represented by Chairman and School Board Member William G.
Softy and members of the Central Islip School District Administrators, Faculty,
Staff and Residents. The Committee conducts monthly inspections of the
District's school buildings and grounds. A report is compiled and submitted to
each school to ensure both the proper upkeep of the District's properties and
the safety of students and all who enter the schools. Mr. Softy notes that the
Committee works closely with the Superintendent of Schools, the Board of
Education and District Administrators and provides them with a final report of
their walkthrough. The Buildings and Grounds Committee works diligently to keep
all buildings looking as nice as possible for as long as possible. The
Buildings and Grounds Committee is pictured during their January inspection of
the Ralph G. Reed Middle School.