NYSED Information

NYSED Standards, Curriculum, and Assessment Announcements

(1) New proposed process and timeline for development and implementation of new ELA and Math standards, curriculum, and assessments.

(2) Briefing to the Board of Regents on the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA).

(3) Continued recruitment of educators to help with assessments.

(4) Release of new Grade 3-8 ELA and Mathematics computer-based testing question sampler.

(5) Release of new field advisory on testing accommodations.




(1) New proposed process and timeline for development and implementation of new ELA and Math standards, curriculum, and assessments.


At Monday’s Board of Regents meeting, Commissioner Elia shared the State’s plan for the development of new ELA and Mathematics standards, thereby extending the work that was started by the AimHighNY survey.  A new proposed timeline, contingent on funding to support the revision and implementation, described the opportunities for involvement throughout the standards development process, the timeframe available to local schools and districts to create curriculum and related instructional resources that are consistent with the new standards, and the State’s tentative plans for when new assessments based on the new standards will be available. 


The Board of Regents agenda item and presentation are available at:

http://www.regents.nysed.gov/meetings/2016/2016-02/p-12-education (see bottom of page)



(2) Briefing to the Board of Regents on the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA).


Also at Monday’s Board of Regents meeting, the Board heard a presentation about the new Federal Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA), which takes the place of the “No Child Left Behind” legislation. 


The Board of Regents agenda item and presentation are available at:




(3) Continued recruitment of educators to help with assessments.


The New York State Education Department (NYSED) is continuing to recruit skilled individuals to assist with the development of our Grade 3-8 ELA and Mathematics assessments.  This call for involvement is to complement and continue to build our bank of educators who have already been nominated in the past to participate in our development processes (those who have already expressed interest need not reapply, but are welcome to further indicate their interest in being considered for future work).


On March 15th and 16th, 2016, NYSED and Questar Assessment Inc. will host our next “Educator Passage Review.”  Educator Passage Review is a two-day meeting in which educators will review selected reading passages to determine whether they should be used on future tests. As such, NYSED is requesting nomination of qualified educators to participate Educator Passage Review. 


Participating educators will review passages to ensure that each is:

1.       developmentally appropriate,

2.       appropriately complex for the grade level,

3.       within grade-level expectations,

4.       an appropriate length, and

5.       fair and appropriate for students in New York State.


NYSED is looking for nominees who:

·         are representative of the diverse students that attend New York State schools,

·         posses extensive experience and/or certification in:

o   English language Arts/childhood literacy; 

o   meeting the literacy needs of English Language Learners; 

o   meeting the literacy needs of Students with Disabilities; and/or

o   literacy in history/social studies, science, & technical subjects, and

·         have a commitment to or background in social justice.


During Educator Passage Review, a separate committee of educators will be convened to review passages for each grade level. Participants will be required to attend both days of the meeting in person in Albany. Reimbursement for travel expenses, lodging, and a stipend will be provided to committee members by Questar Assessment, Inc.  For those educators who are unable to accept stipends the stipend will be provided to the educator’s school district.


NYSED requests that organizations (school districts / BOCES, professional organizations, etc.) nominate classroom teachers and experienced educators they feel can best enhance the quality of the New York State Testing Program. While nominees who are active classroom teachers will be prioritized for selection, coaches, literacy specialists, and other educators (including at the college and university level) who work directly with students or teachers on literacy topics will be considered so long as they can demonstrate expertise at a specific grade or grade band.  Administrators who do not actively work in literacy will not be considered for this specific test development activity.  The goal of nomination and selection is to ensure a successful, productive Educator Review Meeting and enhance the quality of the 3-8 testing program. 


Please submit the names and contact information, ideally for at least one candidate per grade level, for participation in Educator Passage Review to Ross Garmil ([email protected]) by February 26, 2016.  Educators selected for the Passage Review workgroups will be notified on February 29, 2016.  To express involvement in future opportunities, feel free to continue to express interest by emailing Ross Garmil after February 26th. 


Please indicate if, to your knowledge, the candidates have completed the online application to participate in the test development process (https://www.research.net/s/NYSTPRecruit). For individuals previously nominated for other NYSED test development activities, there is no need to re-nominate these individuals; however, feel free to let us know if prior nominees are particularly well-suited for this activity.  For those who have not previously submitted the application, be sure to indicate the name, contact information, content area and grade level(s) taught, gender, ethnicity, and expertise for each nomination.



(4) Release of new Grade 3-8 ELA and Mathematics computer-based testing question sampler.


This spring, many students across New York State will take the New York State Grades 3-8 ELA and Mathematics Field Tests on computer for the first time. Educators, students, and parents need tools to help students get comfortable taking a test on a computer.  A New York State Question Sampler is now available for educators, students, and parents.


Additional information, including how to access the sampler, see:




(5) Release of new field advisory on testing accommodations.


NYSED recently released a memo to reiterate the State’s policy on the appropriate identification and implementation of testing accommodations for students with disabilities and students who are English

Language Learners (ELLs).


This memo is located at:





As always, please feel free to contact us at [email protected] with questions, suggestions, and concerns.

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